Appendix 5: AmiBroker Code Section
Here you find the free AmiBroker codes for the two systems which we described and used in the book "Trading Systems, 2nd edition" as examples:
Appendix 4: The Easy Language Code Section can be found below. Click here and scroll there.
Beginning of Month Trading System
Coded for AmiBroker by Urban Jaekle, 9 Sept 2018, updated 14 Apr 2021
Idea: Buy a stock index on each last day of the month on close, if it
trades above the 40 day moving average. Hold it for 4 days.
Exit on the fourth trading day on close or when the market closes
below the 40 day moving // average Apply to daily data,
stock indices like S&P500, DAX, Nifty50, World ex US, REIT etc.
########## general settings #################
number of positions, initial equity, commission amount etc
NumberPositions = 1;
SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", NumberPositions);
PositionSize = -100 / NumberPositions;
InitialEquity = 100000;
CompoundedProfits = 1; /*1 = yes, 0 = no */
CommissionAmount = 20; /* means 40$ per round turn */
SetOption( "InitialEquity", InitialEquity );
SetOption( "CommissionMode", 2 ); /* 1 = percent, 2 = fixed */
SetOption( "CommissionAmount", CommissionAmount );
/* define the last trading day of the month for the entry */
isLastOfMonth = TimeframeExpand(1, inMonthly, expandPoint);
/* for exit and entry filter: optimization of mov. average length */
MAExit = optimize( "MAExit", 40, 10,300, 10 );
IndexFilterLength = MAExit;
IndexUPTrend = C > MA(C,IndexFilterLength);
PositionScore = 100 + Ref(ROC(C, 252),-1);
/* Add this line for selecting the strongest
Index within an index portfolio */
Buy= isLastOfMonth AND IndexUPTrend;
Sell = Cross( MA( Close,MAExit ), Close) ;
/* Exit Trade after X Bars; default = 4 days */
/*NumBarExit = optimize( "NumBarExit", 4, 1, 20, 1 );
if you want to optimize */
NumBarExit = 4;
ApplyStop( stopTypeNBar, stopModeBars, NumBarExit );
/* For visualization */
Plot(C,"Close", colorBlack, styleCandle);
Plot(MA( Close,MAExit ),"MA Exit", colorBlue, styleThick);
/* Bollinger Band Trading Strategy
Coded for AmiBroker by Urban Jaekle, 20 Nov 2018
The system buys on the OPEN of today if yesterday's close was above
the Bollinger Band Top
Apply to daily data, e.g. all stocks incl. delisted of the S&P500,
Nasdaq100, Russell2000 etc.
For optimisation:
variable = optimize( "Description", default, min, max, step );
see also this: */
/*include all Norgate functions for survivorship free backtests */
#include_once "Formulas\Norgate Data\Norgate Data";
/* General settings */
index = "$SPX"; /* choose index which you test;
don't forget this to set also in backtester settings "pad and align"!
e.g. Norgate symbols $SPX=S&P500, $SP1500=S&P1500,
$NDX=Nadaq100, $DJI=DowJones 30, $RUI = Russell 1000, $RUT=Russell 2000,
$RUA= Russell 3000, $ = Sidney All Ordinaries 500
more see; */
/* Strategy parameters */
NumberPositions = 20;
/* Number of positions which you can hold at the same time*/
BollTopPrds = 180;
/*compare with Appendix 1. Futures: default = 60 */
BollingerTopWidth = 3.5;
/* For entry, compare with Appendix 1. Futures: default = 2 */
/* BollingerTopWidth= Optimize (3.5, 0.5, 7, 0.5); // Select this line for optimisation Optimize (default, min, max, step) */
BollBottWdth = 0.5;
/*For exit, compare with Appendix 1. Futures: default = 2 (for shorts) */
IndexFilterLength = 300; /*set Filter Length*/
ScoreLength = 300; /*Score lenght */
BollBottPrds = BollTopPrds; /*same length for both bands*/
SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", NumberPositions);
SetPositionSize(100 / NumberPositions, spsPercentOfEquity);
InitialEquity = 100000;
CommissionAmount = 0.25;
/*this means 0.25% at entry AND 0.25% at exit of a position */
SetOption( "InitialEquity", InitialEquity );
SetOption( "CommissionMode", 1 ); /*1 = percent, 2 = fixed */
SetOption( "CommissionAmount", CommissionAmount );
RoundLotSize = 0;
/* 0: fractional number of shares are allowed */
/* Preparation for Entry and Exit */
indexFilter = NorgateIndexConstituentTimeSeries(index);
upperBand = BBandTop(C, BollTopPrds, BollingerTopWidth);
LongEntry = C >upperBand /* Price is above the upper Bollinger band */
AND Ref(C<upperBand, -1)
/* Price the day before is below the upper Bollinger band */
AND indexFilter;
/* make sure you have the correct stock universe */
LongExit = C < BBandBot(C, BollBottPrds, BollBottWdth);
/* price is below the bottom Bollinger band */
/* Market index filter. Allow positions only when index is in uptrend,
defined by a simple moving average of 300 days*/
/*Norgate $SPX, $SP1500, $NDX, $DJI, $RUT=Russell 2000,
$RUA= Russell 3000, Sidney All Ordinaries
(Australian stock market) $
see here;
IndexDownTrend = C < MA(C,IndexFilterLength);
/*IndexDownTrend = LinRegSlope(C, IndexFilterLength) ;
// another possible option to define trend */
/* In the case you get many different signals, buy the
stocks with the highest momentum over the last 300 days first*/
Rank = 100 + Ref(ROC(C, ScoreLength),-1);
PositionScore = Rank;
/* The entry and exit trigger */
Buy = LongEntry
/* Price is today above the Bollinger band */
AND !IndexDownTrend;
/* Index Filter: Don't enter new positions in a bear market */
Sell = LongExit
OR DateTime()==GetFnData("DelistingDate")
/* sell if stock is de-listed */
OR !indexFilter ;
/* sell if stock has to leave the index */
BuyPrice=SellPrice=Open; /* Buy and Sell on the next days open;
Close instead of open could improve performance */
Short = Cover = 0;
/* for visualisation, optional */
Plot(C,"Close", colorBlack, styleCandle);
Plot(BBandTop(C, BollTopPrds, BollingerTopWidth),
"BollEntry", colorGreen, styleThick);
Plot(BBandBot(C, BollBottPrds, BollBottWdth),"BollExit"
, colorRed, styleThick);
Plot(ma(CLOSE, BollTopPrds),"MovAvg", colorBlack, styleThick);
Appendix 4: Easy Language Code Section
Here you find the free EasyLanguage codes for the systems which we described and used in this book as examples:
- LUXOR: see page 39
- Beginning of Month (chapter 5.6)
- Bollinger Band System (chapter 9)
[LegacyColorValue = true];
Coded for TradeStation by Urban Jaekle, 20 Feb 2018
This is the system called "time" because time (!!!) is the only important parameter for it
Some facts about the system:
1) Only end of day data is needed to trade the system
2) It produces long entries for any stock index future,
e.g. S&P500, Nasdaq, Russel2000, EuroStoxx, DAX, Nikkei, HangSeng, KOSPI, SMI etc.
3) All trades are exited after a hold period of 4 days or if being stopped out by the initial stop
// Idea: Buy a stock index on each last day of the month on close, if it trades above the 40
// day moving average. Hold it for 4 days.
// Exit on the fourth trading day on close or when the market closes below the 40 day moving // average}
{################# Let's start with the inputs for the intial stop ################}
Inputs: MovAvgPeriods(40);
Variables: BullishPoint(0);
BullishPoint= Average( Close, MovAvgPeriods );
{################# Now the time settings, trade only at special days ##############}
If C > BullishPoint AND
((DayOfMonth(Date)=29 AND DayOfWeek(Date)=5) OR
(DayOfMonth(Date)=30 AND
(Month(Date)=4 OR Month(Date)=6 OR Month(Date)=9 OR Month(Date)=11))
DayOfMonth(Date)=31 OR
(DayOfMonth(Date)=28 AND Month(Date)=2) OR
(DayOfMonth(Date)=28 AND (Month(Date)=4 OR Month(Date)=6
OR Month(Date)=9 OR Month(Date)=11) AND DayOfWeek(Date)=5)
OR (DayOfMonth(Date)=30 AND DayOfWeek(Date)=5)
OR (DayOfMonth(Date)=29 AND Month(Date)=2)
OR (DayOfMonth(Date)=27 AND Month(Date)=2 AND DayOfWeek(Date)=5)
OR (DayOfMonth(Date)=26 AND Month(Date)=2 AND DayOfWeek(Date)=5))
then Buy("BuyDay") this bar on close;
{#### And finally the exit:
If the market closes below the 40day average: exit next bar on close
After 4 days if not being stopped out before#######}
If C<BullishPoint then Sell("MovAvgExit") this bar on close;
If BarsSinceEntry=4 then Sell("4days") this bar on close;
Description : Bollinger Band System
Coded for TradeStation by Urban Jaekle, 20 Dec 2018 //
[LegacyColorValue = true];
Inputs: BarsBlw(2), Length( 180 ), NumDevsUp( 3 ) , NumDevsDn( 1 ) ;
{Define Bollinger bands #############################################}
variables: UpperBand( 0 ), LowerBand( 0 ) ;
UpperBand = BollingerBand( C, Length, NumDevsUp ) ;
LowerBand = BollingerBand( C, Length, NumDevsDn ) ;
{######### entry and exit#######################################}
If CountIF(Close < UpperBand, BarsBlw) = BarsBlw Then
Buy ("BB") Next Bar at UpperBand Stop;
if CurrentBar > 1 and C crosses under LowerBand then
{ CB > 1 check used to avoid spurious cross confirmation at CB = 1 }
sell ( "BBandexit" ) next bar at LowerBand stop ;